Born in 1980 in Hong Kong, CHAN Kai Chun (Michael) utilizes photography to explore the connections between people, materiality, and the language of photography.  He was awarded a full scholarship from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to complete his Master’s degree in Arts at the University of the Arts London (London College of Communication).  Additionally, he holds a BA from RMIT University and a MA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with a concentration in fine arts photography. He came to international attention with his “elite” series, which he presented at the Pingyao International Photography Festival and Donggang International Photo Festival in 2013 and 2019 respectively. Formerly a lecturer at the Hong Kong Design Institute and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, MC currently serves as a visiting lecturer in photography at the University of Hertfordshire. His photographic work has been exhibited in Hong Kong and internationally and has been shortlisted for other major awards, including WYNG Masters Award, Hasselblad Masters Award and the Three Shadows Photography Award. In 2020, MC won the “Bergonzo First Floor Paris Prize” in KG+SELECT KYOTOGRAPHIE Festival. His works are in both private and museum collections.

陳啟駿 MC (b.1980) 畢業於倫敦藝術大學(倫敦傳播學院)碩士課程、香港中文大學碩士課程及皇家墨爾本理工大學學士課程,主修藝術攝影,曾任香港理工大學及香港知專設計學院兼任講師,現為赫特福德大學創意藝術學院訪問講師。2014年獲香港藝術發展局頒發全費獎學金,遠赴倫敦藝術大學深造。陳氏作品入選多個國際攝影獎,包括平遙國際攝影展、WYNG大師攝影獎、哈蘇年度攝影師大獎、三影堂攝影獎及韓國東港國際攝影節,並於2020年於京都國際攝影節KG+Select中贏得”Bergonzo First Floor Paris Prize”。其作品主要探討攝影文化、物質性及都市人之間的關系,被私人及博物館收藏。